We open with Pat apologizing to James for failing to prepare an agenda (it was her turn) for the Gifted Underachievers content meeting and, well, the conversation proves why we should have an agenda. Nonetheless, with Herculean effort the Gifted Underachievers manage a thoughtful, informative, and substantive discussion on why exercise is so important to our creative health and how Pat and James manage to stay motivated…even in the icy, snowy cold of winter.
Questions for Listeners:
(Hop on over to the segment web page to leave us your answers.)
Have you ever caused yourself a wee injury?
How do you like to move your body and what keeps you motivated from day to day and week to week?
Segment Links:
Intro to Original Strength’s Channel with Tim Anderson
How to Get Motivated to Exercise at Home
How to Get Motivated and Stay Motivated
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